Saturday, November 21, 2015

Past Continuous Mingle Activity

(TESOL Worksheets--Past Continuous)
Google Drive Version Here , Google Docs Version Here--Published Version Here
[A mingle activity for past continuous.  Students are required to go around the room and interview 3 other students for each question.]

student 1
student 2
student 3
Think about the last time your phone rang.  What were you doing when your phone rang?

What were you doing when the teacher walked into the classroom today?  (If you came late, then what was the teacher doing when you walked into the classroom?)

What was happening in your house when you woke up this morning?  (Think about what the other people in your house were doing.)

What was happening in your house when you fell asleep last night?

When you left your house this morning, what was happening in your neighborhood?

When you came home yesterday, what were the other people in your house doing?  (What were your parents doing?  What were your brothers or sisters doing?)

What were you doing when the sun went down last night?

What were you doing when the sun came up this morning?  (Were you still sleeping, or were you doing something?)

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